English » Useful Information

The weather in Athens in early September is very warm. It can be hot.


1. Have always a bottle of water with you all the time and drink.
2. Use a hat always (we will provide one) and sunglasses.
3. Use light colored clothes, althoough UV can go through. The dark
garments protect better from UV, if you have problems with, as I have,
but collect more heat.
4. UV radiation is scattered and it reaches you even under a tree or an
5. Go to the sea early in the morning or late in the afternoon. The sea is
very warm in September.

It rarerly rains in Athens, and if it does it only lasts for one hour.

The best weather prediction is the one of our University.


At night it can be chilly sometimes. Some willfind useful to have a light
jacket, if it becomes windy